Thames & Hudson World of Art - Women, Art, Society
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Women, Art, Society
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Women, Art, Society
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Women, Art, Society
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Women, Art, Society
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Women, Art, Society
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Women, Art, Society
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Women, Art, Society
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Women, Art, Society
Thames & Hudson World of Art - Women, Art, Society

World of Art - Women, Art, Society

Thames & Hudson

21,20 € 25,00 €

Thames & Hudson
World of Art - Women
21,20 € 25,00 €

  • Ilmastokompensoidut toimitukset
  • Erinomaiset arvostelut asiakkailtamme
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus

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Thames & Hudsonin kustantama Women, Art, Society tarjoaa perusteellisen katsauksen feministiseen taidehistoriaan – itse taiteilijoiden ja teosten esittelyn ohella se pohtii muun muassa tapoja, joilla naistaiteilijoita on aikojen saatossa marginalisoitu. Kirjan ovat kirjoittaneet San Franciscon yliopiston emeritaprofessori Whitney Chadwick sekä taidehistorioitsija ja kuraattori Flavia Frigeri. Teos kuuluu Thames & Hudsonin World of Art -sarjaan, jonka jokainen osa keskittyy tiettyyn taidemuotoon, taiteilijaan tai tyylisuuntaan.

Whitney Chadwick’s acclaimed study challenges the assumption that great women artists are exceptions to the rule, who ‘transcended’ their sex to produce major works of art. While acknowledging the many women whose contribution to visual culture since the Middle Ages have often been neglected, Chadwick’s survey amounts to much more than an alternative canon of women artists: it re-examines the works themselves and the ways in which they have been perceived as marginal, often in direct reference to gender. In her disussion of feminism and its influence on such a reappraisal, the author also addresses the closely related issues of ethnicity, class and sexuality.

With a new preface and epilogue from an exciting new authority on the history of women artists, this revised edition continues the project of charting the evolution of feminist art history and pedagogy in recent years, revealing how artists have responded to new strategies of feminism for the current moment.

Whitney Chadwick
6. painos
21 x 15 cm
1,22 kg
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