Apartamenton kustantama Tokyo Style avaa oven tokiolaisiin koteihin. Teos on päivitetty uusintapainos Kyoichi Tsuzukin rakastetusta Tokyo Style -kirjasta, joka ilmestyi alun perin yli 30 vuotta sitten. Vaikka paljon on tapahtunut viimeisten vuosikymmenten ajan, on näiden japanilaisten asuntojen ja kotien lumous säilynyt ennallaan. Avaa ovet ja valmistaudu ihastumaan!
More than three decades after its original publication, this new edition of Tokyo Style revives a cult classic and token collector’s item. Kyoichi Tsuzuki’s timeless photographs offer an intimate look at Tokyo homes as they are truly inhabited, presented here with a refreshed design that preserves the original book’s generous format. A selection of the book’s iconic images culminates in a new afterword by Kyoichi that unravels the nostalgia sparked by his work, which captures an analogue world of rich self-expression. A foreword by writer Barry Yourgrau, a longtime friend of Kyoichi, meditates on the ‘untidy and prodigiously cluttered’ hideouts of Tokyo, filled with everything ‘from the raunchy to the freaky and funky to the kawaii (“cute” in Japanese)’.