The World of Apartamento: Ten Years of Everyday Life Interiors kokoaa yhteen parhaita paloja Apartamento-lehden 10-vuotiselta taipaleelta. Tyylikkäästi toteutettu ja runsaasti kuvitettu kokoelma luo monipuolisen katsauksen modernin sisustuksen, muotoilun ja elämäntyylin trendeihin ja tekijöihin eri puolilla maailmaa. Kirjan kieli on englanti.
The World of Apartamento: Ten Years of Everyday Life Interiors celebrates the 10th anniversary of Apartamento magazine. It features a collection of the most inspirational people and interiors featured in the publication over the last decade. Like the magazine, the book is a carefully developed editorial mix. It includes beautiful photography and strong illustrations that are accompanied by quotes taken from the hundreds of interviews published in Apartamento, adding an extra layer to the book that communicates the honest stories and intimate moments that make up the magazine. The 306-page book features an eclectic mix of subjects, such as Mike Mills, François Halard, Petra Collins, Omar Souleyman, Tierney Gearon, Esther Mahlangu, Michael Stipe (and many, many more). It is an inspiring representation of the individual design and lifestyle choices of a generation.