Landmarks: The Modern House in Denmark kokoaa yhteen joukon Tanskan kiinnostavimpia omakotitaloja aina Jørn Utzonin suunnittelemasta Utzon Housesta Arne Jacobsenin Siesby Houseen. Valokuvien rinnalle on koottu kattavat esittelytekstit kunkin talon historiasta ja rakennusvaiheesta sekä ne suunnitelleiden arkkitehtien elämästä. Hatje Cantzin kustantaman teoksen on kirjoittanut Michael Sheridan.
The human being was at the center of Danish Modernism. Traditional craftsmanship and a high degree of quality influenced both design and architecture. Besides numerous groundbreaking public buildings, the fifties and sixties saw the design of many nearly ideal single-family homes based on an aesthetic that focused on being true to the materials, honesty in construction, and the reduction of form. Built of wood and brick and with practical, informal floor plans and large glass surfaces that opened up the interior of the house to nature, the best of these homes still fulfill their tasks to this day.