
Tervetuloa maailman suurimpaan pohjoismaisen designin verkkokauppaan. Huomasimme, että sijaintisi on United States.

Vahvista sijainti

Asun Homes Vol 7

Studio Koskinen Rantanen

20,00 €


Studio Koskinen Rantanen
Asun Homes Vol 7
20,00 €


Asun Homes Vol 7 esittelee valikoiman persoonallisesti sisustettuja pohjoismaisia kesäkoteja, mökkejä ja puutarhoja. Pääset tutustumaan niin pieniin ja suuriin kesämökkeihin, luonnonläheisiin ja urbaaneihin puutarhoihin kuin minimalistisiin ja runsaammin sisustettuihin kesäasuntoihin, jotka kaikki kertovat kiinnostavia tarinoita asukkaidensa elämästä.

Asun Homes on kirjan ja lehden parhaita paloja yhdistelevä bookazine, jonka 184 sivua tarjoavat runsaasti ideoita ja innoitusta kaikille pohjoismaisen sisustuksen ystäville. Kerran vuodessa ilmestyvä englanninkielinen julkaisu on toteutettu sisustuslehti Asunin inspiroivaan tyyliin.

  • Foreword • Summer.
  • Oasis of Leisure • Work keeps the owners of the island place still in the city, but the heart has already settled on the island.
  • Summer Night Flowers • More important to Erja Hirvi than the colours and shapes of the flower plantings is the enjoyment of the pollinators in the garden.
  • Haviseva • A villa, where the days pass by in wonderful idleness.
  • From Generation to Generation • The old island villa was thoroughly dismantled in connection with the change of generation.
  • Before, Now and After Us • It is an honour to carry forward the story of the family fairytale.
  • Summer Base • The designer-art historian couple moves to the modern cottage for the summer on the island of Högsåra.
  • New and Yet Familiar • The new, recently updated cabin borrows a lot from its predecessors located at the same place.
  • In Black, Thank You • In a modern sauna building, the main elements are wood, carefully thought details and different shades of black.
  • The Director, The Actor and The Archipelago • In a landscape both painted by rocks and pines and shaped by the sea and wind, Virpi Suutari and the family relax, rest and focus on work.
  • On The Terms of Wood • Architect Tuomas Siitonen’s sauna building is a study on the nature of wood.
  • Unique Hvitträsk • Architect trio Gesellius, Lindgren, Saarinen designed a wonderful mansion for themselves, following the ideals of their time.
  • A New Colourful Era • In the hands of Anni Rantasalo, the old miller’s cottage was restored to its original atmosphere, with deep and strong colours.
  • Summer Delight • The green mini cottage offers a comfortable setting for a summer vacation.
  • A Refined Pearl • The atmosphere was already there, you just had to bring it out.
  • In The Lap of The Sea • Designer Tero Kuitunen renovated an old boathouse into a summer cottage.
30 x 23 x 2 cm
0,78 kg
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